- Fearless Staff/Members and their Bans -
Only two bans:

[FL:RP] Ciryl STEAM_0:1:51063459 Steam Profile 'Fail RP, killed with very little reason with no intention of RP' -Expired- [FL] Beflok

Saw a guy pick-locking a Ambulance with a paramedic inside, so i decide to 360 no scope him (across the map) with a AWP as for my luck it turned out to be Beflok, As soon as he teleported to me and said 'why did you kill me?' I knew i was screwed.

[FL:RP]Ciryl STEAM_0:1:51063459 Steam Profile KOS Laws,You have 300+ you should know better- Expired- [FL] Grub

First time being dictator, banned everything- rebels, civilians and other jobs decided to turn slums into their own little city called 'shitsville' so i setup a elite team of SS and ordered them to clear the whole of slums and they basically went in killed anyone in sight people had 20-30+ kills then all went quiet- then a big chain reaction of bans came out of no where a lot of people got banned.

Messages In This Thread
RE: - Fearless Staff/Members and their Bans - - by Jamie - 08-21-2013, 12:57 AM
RE: - Fearless Staff/Members and their Bans - - by Jamie - 08-21-2013, 05:04 PM
RE: - Fearless Staff/Members and their Bans - - by Ciryl - 08-21-2013, 01:36 AM

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