Health decrease when hungry - improvement
When the hunger meter gets to 99 it takes a long time before you start loosing health. When the warning pops up at 99 you have plenty of time to open your inventory and eat an item. When it gets to 100, you don't loose health immediately it takes at least 10 seconds before you do start to loose health. That is why I supported to having health its self decrease slower, should you not realize the text on the screen.

Or just remove hunger, or make it start at 0 when you spawn. In addition, you could make the hunger bar increase slowly, so rather then, for example, it going up by 1 every second, make it go up 1 every 5 seconds. If you get what I mean.

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RE: Health decrease when hungry - improvement - by aviator - 02-23-2013, 12:17 PM

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