RP Fear - When and why.

If there is a shootout between two rival gangs. Could be mob, gangsters, ECPD. Doesn't matter as this thing applies for everyone. You can NOT stand in the middle of the crossfire and shoot at someone as in Real Life you would have been dead within 3 seconds.
What you should do is take cover at a good spot; behind a fence, behind/under a car, even behind a bloody container is fine. As long as you got some sort of cover from the bullets.

Now once again, this applies for everyone, even cops, so what if you got kevlar? What protects your head, legs, hands, arms etc? Nothing. You along with everyone else will need to take cover, ramboing is so non RP fear.

Conflicts between gangs and cops.

Let's say 5-6 males, armed but they have hidden their weapons and are relaxing outdoors, and a lonely officer comes by and sees them. He does NOT walk up to them with his tazer/firearm out and ask what they are up to. Complete non RP fear, if he is unlucky there is another 3 people behind him, he wouldn't stand a chance.
What he can do is report in that there could be gang activity in that area, and patrol it more, awaiting whatever they could be up to.

Aswell for gang members, if a patrol cruiser drives by and does his/her job, you can NOT walk up infront of it, blocking the road yelling at the cruiser. That's pure non-RP. You also don't yell over radio 'FIVE OH! PIGS' and then pull out your weapon and open fire. What you do, is that you ignore the cruiser, keep talking, maybe changing the subject for a second, you don't put any special attention to the cruiser or they will put more attention on you. Pretty easy, just ignore eachothers unless you got reasons not to.


While being robbed, it is very important that you RP fear, you can NOT say cocky things like 'Fuck you bitch leave me alone' or whatever, or you'll most likely get shot. You do whatever they tell you to, if you are going to say something then ask for mercy, fear the robber.

Also for the robber, you RP fear, you do NOT rob someone infront of the Nexus/Police department. Most likely at night, and a couple of blocks away from the cops. Also you don't rob someone if there is citizens around, that aren't a part of the robbery.

As a final note, do not try to be some superman hero. Saving the day? Robbing cops to get respect? That's bullshit. RP fear like everyone else. If everyone does this, we'll have some good RP. Going around like rambo with your gun out is just wrong, unless you're an ex-commando or some shit like that.

During a traffic control.

While being pulled over by an Officer, you do NOT take off immidietly, also rememeber if he has a weapon aimed at you then you have to listen to his orders, taking off with no reason is just Non-RP, same with aggravating the police to chase you. it's all Fear-RP. If you like chases so much, go play Need For Speed, if you ever pulled over, it should be hard to get away.

Now what you should do, is cooperate, not dragging any attention by the officer that pulled you over, you might even get away with a warning. But if you by any chance want to be wanted, it's your call to roleplay that, you either regret what you've done and come to the station, or you simply do your best to get away and then lay low.

About pursuits.

Now, some people provoke police so that they will chase them. Speeding on the sidewalk, overtaking etc. It's all very non-RP. In Real Life even people who are tough fears and respects the cops. Almost everyone fears the cops, due to what they can do. Well, if you really like chases that much, then enjoy while they last, don't create them by ramming cars and driving around like a maniac, it won't get you anywhere.

Hope you learned something, thanks for reading.
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Messages In This Thread
RP Fear - When and why. - by User 5190 - 02-04-2013, 07:49 AM
RE: RP Fear - When and why. - by Narc - 05-29-2013, 10:04 PM
RE: RP Fear - When and why. - by tyyy1997 - 06-01-2013, 01:18 PM
RE: RP Fear - When and why. - by Freezak - 08-13-2013, 12:33 AM

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