Mass Prop Kill
Can i have my 9 day ban shortened to 8 days?

Your name: Duhya

Your ban ID: A lot, 10 over the last year and a bit, though i have to say half of them are not fully true, as i have never tried to kill anyone with my car.

Banned by: (Admin that banned you) [FL] Belfok

Reason: Abusing tool gun/props, not abiding to fear RP, making cars fly, extended due to logs show mass prop kill

Involved: Just me and the admin.

Why we should unban you: I feel my ban should be shortened because i never propkilled anyone on purpose, and i don't even recall anyone dying from my props by accident on that day. I will say that i assumed the ban was because i killed myself with a prop to change my model while unemployed.

Could a admin show me the log, or explain to me what it says i did? I was aware of a mass propkiller dropping large flat objects on the city, but my name shouldn't be on those props. I am really appalled by this ban extension.

Messages In This Thread
Mass Prop Kill - by Bill - 01-09-2013, 03:58 AM
RE: Mass Prop Kill - by Termin - 01-15-2013, 09:06 AM

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