Could someone teach me to play ARMA
I don't play Arma itself but I sometimes play DayZ with a friend or two, a problem for me is that my character runs at 1/10th of the speed of other characters which can cause problems when running over a large distance. One rule of playing Dayz is don't trust people, often people complain that people in their own groups killed them which is why you are best off being on a chat channel (E.g. Skype) to know each others location or things can get messy.

Always have someone trustworthy at hand, if you lose a lot of blood or break your leg you will need someone to give you a blood transfusion or find some morphine.

Knowing your location can be half the battle, when you spawn make sure you read what it says or you could be running around for ages without a clue as to where you are.

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RE: Could someone teach me to play ARMA - by Al sevenfold - 12-22-2012, 03:42 PM

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