So, looks like its come to that time (again)
So, its been a few months since I came back to FL, when I left it was doing great, with few problems and a great community of talented RPers, now however, things aren't quite the same, many great people left, and some decisions were made which in my opinion were bad moves, frankly I have become tired with the way the admin team has been running the community, as much as I like this community and many of the people in it I do not feel tempted to play here any longer.

This means I am stepping down from admin, and probably will not play on the servers much either. There are several reason for this, as well as the ones above I am also not at the computer as much as I used to be by far, I am out or busy at least 4-5 nights a week, and don't have time for any proper commitment on here. I don't really feel like im getting anything from being here, the good RPs have become rarer and rarer, and admining feels more like I am babysitting someone to be honest. This community has started to be run like more of a corporation than what it really is, a group of people who came together to play a videogame.

Ill miss some of you guys more than others, last time I made it clear I would return, this time I doubt it.

Bye bye guys!
[Image: 352kv3n.png]
Thanks for the sig dry ^_^

Messages In This Thread
So, looks like its come to that time (again) - by Timanator - 05-11-2012, 04:48 PM

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