UBR: Ping-Hotel
Your name: [FL:RP] Ping-Hotel

Your blacklist ID: 67110

Steam ID: [b]STEAM_0:0:57638915[/b]

Reason: Intentional CDM (x7)

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] SnowredWolf

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: Honestly. This blacklist was issued about a half year ago maybe even longer.. I don't know what happened and I wanna rejoin FL again, but that isn't going to happen if I can't drive cars.. If I was a minge previously, and did something that might have hurt the community, sorry... But I hope you guys give me another chance.
Hey, you're not involved Wink Cheers.

But like I said, I dont even know when this was or what happened really.
The blacklist is not permanent.

The punishment given to you should be served.

Why not play for the 9 and a half hours of your blacklist, do something else than drive cars?

It's hardly helpful to your case when you don't even remember the situation yourself.
(08-01-2016, 05:08 PM)Avgar Wrote: The blacklist is not permanent.

The punishment given to you should be served.

Why not play for the 9 and a half hours of your blacklist, do something else than drive cars?

It's hardly helpful to your case when you don't even remember the situation yourself.

Honestly.. I love driving, and it has been over 1 year ago.. I mean I know it isn' t permanent, but 9 and hours without cars.. you don' t get it, I play police/swat the entire time, you need a vehicle in the force.. And like I said.. I apologize if there was anyone involved, I dont remember.
I get that driving cars is something you enjoy doing. However players do not enjoy getting CDM'd, hence your punishment. Just because you don't remember doesn't excuse you from 'serving out the sentence' so to speak. Something I've wondered for a while, can't blacklisted players still enter cars while someone else is driving? If they can then why not partner up and fight crime together with a few buddies in the force?
I have no clue if they can, I know that you can not get in someones car whilst there is no one in. But for the rest I don' t know.. But it is 8 months ago... or something.. give me a break.

Just because you left the server for 8 months doesn't mean we're going to lift a valid blacklist from back then. You broke the rules when you played on the server, blacklists works with playtime instead of real-time punishments.
I'm going to suggest you to play your blacklist out, it's so long time ago I would not be able to remember the details of the situation.


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