[Unofficial] The Fortino Family.
Steam name: [FL:RP] JP

Character name: Jonathon 'JP' Pembersley

Hours played (BELOW 100 will not be accepted): 105

Role-Play Points (RPP): 0 (I'm relatively new)

Do you have a working microphone and TeamSpeak? (Prefered): Yes (Studio Microphone)

Age (we will not hold this against you): 15 y/o 

Last clan and why you left: Haven't been in a clan yet

Preferred RP (passive/aggressive) and why: I prefer aggressive role playing situations, such as being a member of the SRU team etc. this is mainly because of my strong affection towards fps shooter games, and for good reason, i have a good aim, know the fundamentals, hit-boxes etc. of Garry's Mod and have had a lot of experience being apart of the SRU team. I do also like passive role playing situations as i find them to be less intense and give me another great reason to keep playing.

About you:
I am a 15 year old male from the United Kingdom, I am a very mature and confident person. Since I first joined this server, around a month ago, I have loved every hour that I've spent, I bought donator 2 weeks after first joining just because I loved the features it would bring to my character and how much it would enhance my role play experience on fearless even more. I have wanted to join a clan ever since I first came to the forums, but most clans have a specific hour requirement, which i couldn't fit, until now. I play this game consistently at at least 20-30 hours a week, I've brainstormed a few ideas for passive and aggressive role play and am hoping to get more recognition in the community, as I'm not too well known. I have had no blacklists and no bans which I believe exemplifies the point I made about my maturity, I do not intend on getting banned, nor blacklisted either.

About you In character:
Hello, My name is Jonathon 'JP' Pembersley, I am usually just referred to as Jonathon or JP for short. I am a 21 year old male, my ethnicity is African American, I am very well spoken as I have been living in Evo City since i was around 5 years old, I currently own a Aston Vantage, due to my medicinal marijuana business. I am 6'1" and am trained highly in Mixed Martial Arts, and Mauy Thai. I have served 3 years in the SRU force, 1 of which was learning the prerequisites to join the official squad. I am highly trained in a wide variety of firearms and am able to consistently fire accurately and conservatively at many distances. I have never met my mother, due to her passing in my childbirth but my dad is still alive, 48 years old. My father is what inspired me to apply for the SRU force, due to his role in the police force.  
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