The Shadow Associates Agency

====Out of Character Information====

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Audacter

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59619737

Hours on the server: 790

How many RP points do you have?

How many bans/blacklists do you have?
4 Blacklists (Shows as six but three of them was for the same thing)
3 total bans all over a year old.

What timezone are you located in?
GMT (United Kingdom)

====In Character Information====

Full Name (IC): Frank Drebin

Nick and/or Code Name(s): Audacter

Current age (IC): 26

Background: Fresh out of university I had the whole life in front of me, I took the money I had saved and moved to Evo-City. At first it was quite miserable as I started off living in the in the run down area of the city, I spent my days trying to find a job and getting kicked around by the locals and eating cheap cold beans from the can. Getting mugged was a common event for me, I usually had nothing to give so they gave me a couple of broken ribs. After a week I managed to get a job at a local chicken joint. The pay was horrible and so was the working conditions, but it's not like I had any electrical or heating bills to pay, the only heat I had was a blanket I found lying around near a bin. After saving up for months I managed to hire a suit, I knew if I wanted to get a better job I had to look presentable in the job interviews. I managed to get a job as a security guard for this shooting range, it was perfect, they taught me self-defense and how to put a Glock-17 together and operate it. The pay was fair and I was able to become friendly with my co-workers and the regular customers, I finally felt content with my life, it had it's ups and downs but it was bearable. Seven months into this job, still living in the same area but managed to make myself comfortable with some electronics and furniture, life could only get better, well so I thought.

I got letter from my uncle, I thought it was just to let me know how everyone was and in some ways it was, when I opened the letter the first words said "Hey Frank, I wish I had some good news but the world seems to be fucked up" He informed me that my mother was involved in a car jacking, she was just about to leave the car park after her weekly shop when this guy opens her car door and attempts to pull her out, she was always a stubborn person and kept resisting. The guy pulled out a handgun and shot her and he took the car leaving my mother in the middle of the car park bleeding out. She was rushed to hospital but died during surgery. I felt part of me die that day, attached to the letter was a cheque for $6,000 as that was she gave me in her will. I went through a stage of depression and took out my frustration out on the gun range, but I wasn't happy with my life anymore. After a long hard day at work I just wanted to relax, think about the good times and get a good night sleep. On the way back home I was cornered by two guys, they was demanding money of course. Unlucky for them I was in no mood for cooperating and attempted to get though them and they punched me in the stomach and started to shout "Where the fuck do you think you're going, just give us your wallet and phone and we might only give a broken finger or two" I kept thinking how my mother stayed strong and tried to push away the car jacker, I wasn't going to give in. I persisted to resist to the point they started to hit me, this is where the self defense I learned from my current job saved my life. When I got home I cleaned myself up and started to contemplate what I was going to do with this money that was left to me. I decided the only way I can feel like I am progressing in life is moving out of this hell hole, I saw an advertisement for an apartment on Cub Avenue for a fair amount per month, I took this opportunity and moved in. Everyone is the apartment building was friendly enough, apart from the odd person hosting parties in the middle of the night.

Couple of years later life was moderate I guess, but I felt like there was something missing, I wanted to be more than just a security guard. I wanted to protect more than a company, I wanted to protect the people and ensure they people didn't lose close family members to scum wanting to make a quick buck. I decided to apply to the Evo City Police Department, I knew I had good chance of getting in from studying Public Services in university and my knowledge of firearms and security from my present job, they accepted me and I started to begin my training as well as leaving my job on good terms with my boss. My ability to assess the situations was good and my shooting was on point, I quickly got though training and I was accepted into the Police Force and was trained to deal with a variety of situations meaning I was trained to put together and operate a large variety of firearms. I enjoyed what I did and I was good at it, I cared to the people of Evo City, I would give my life to protect them. When I was twenty-five I walked in on a couple of Officers smuggling narcotics out of the evidence locker, unfortunately one of these Officers was my Sergeant, I knew if I wanted to keep my job I had to keep it a secret even if I did tell I had no evidence to prove it. I guess when the city had to make cuts on the government forces I was too much of a risk to keep, so I was revoked of my position.

So I'm back to square one, no job and lonely. I needed to have hope in something again, I wanted to help people and not worry about corruption within the ranks. I saw on occasion The Shadow Associates Agency working with the government to help the people of Evo City by removing the corrupt officials, aiding the homeless, tackling criminal organisations, giving prisoners their basic human rights and even building a hospital for the people of Evo City, I knew this was the next step I wanted to take in my life. So this is the end of that chapter and but hopefully the beginning of another.

Anything we should know about you?:
[IC] Due to not getting the proper help for my depression, I can feel quite depressed sometimes. However this will not affect my performance but might affect how often I communicate casually with fellow members. 

Current Street Address (IC): Cub Avenue Apartment #4 (V2D)

====Application Information====

Why are you applying for the Shadow Associates Agency?:
Because I enjoy working with people in a professional manner and with people who take what they do seriously and will never risk tainting the name of the people they work with. The reason I am applying is because in every instance I have seen the Shadow Associates Agency they have always acted really professional and organised, and yet have a very good relationship with each other and with other people in the server, because they are more than colleges they are friends. I believe that applying to join is the best thing for me as it is something that I will be able to enjoy and put a lot of effort into and still in the end of the day feel like I could do it all over again.

Do you have any previous experience with this line of work?:
Yes, I have had experience in such things as Security, Marketing and Governmental work, From both clans and in game roleplay.

Have you been in any other clans?:
Yes I have been in clans both inside and outside of Garry's Mod.
The two clans I have been in within Fearless was Men In White, and Blood Brothers.
Men In White mainly focused on security contracts where as Blood Brothers focused on combat.
Men In White and other clans outside of FL taught me patience and teamwork and Blood Brothers aided me in improving combat effectiveness.

Do you have any references that we may contact?:
[FL:RP] NightHawkd, [FL:RP] Theomenz

How active are you in game and on the forums?:
In game I would say I am around 8.5 out of 10 (10 being on nearly all the time and 1 being barely on)
The forums however depends how to define active, I browse the forums daily checking up on clans, news, suggestions and the market. But I don't post too often.
So I would say around 6.5. 

Why do you think you deserve to join the Shadow Associates Agency?:
The reason I believe I deserve to join the Shadow Associates Agency is because I am extremely dedicated and loyal to the people I work with and work for. I am a very patient person which will make a lot of jobs easier as I know you can have action or things going on all the time.
I am also friendly with the people I work with meaning that you will have to not worry about any big disputes or grudges between me and another member.
I enjoy helping people, and this is what the Shadow Associates Agency is about, helping people and securing people's safety.
I'm also very willing to contribute to the Shadow Associates Agency's fund whether it being donating funds or supplying people with equipment I will be more than willing to help out.
In conclusion I am a loyal, hardworking and patient person who is more than happy to help people who are in need of it.  

Is there anything else that we should know about you?:
I am sixteen years old just in case you have a preferred age preference.

What are you doing on the roof? Oh wait that's an air conditioning unit. - Suarez 2k15
The following 2 users Like Audacter's post:
  • mgdwszx, Nexus
====Out of Character Information====

Steam Name: Hartree

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:74659566

Hours on the server: 447

How many RP points do you have? 5

How many bans/blacklists do you have? 1

What timezone are you located in? GMT +1

====In Character Information====

Full Name (IC): Jerome ‘Hartree’ Miller

Nick and/or Code Name(s): Miller

Current age (IC): 24

Background:I was born in England, Birmingham where I lived with both parents who were rich. I grew up in a rich and posh family, which then got me into a rich business what helped me get to where I am today. I also used to work for Slyfox Secuirty for a number of years. My father taught me how to ride a bike when I was 2 years old which has now helped my towards looking into motorbikes. When I was 11 I was thinking of my future and what I want to do, I saw the Military was recruiting but I had to be 16. By the time I was 16 they had no jobs what I wanted to do, so I spoke to my parents and they told me whats jobs I could do and have the capability of doing.  

Anything we should know about you?:

Current Street Address (IC): 54 EvoCity Lane

====Application Information====

Why are you applying for the Shadow Associates Agency?: I am applying for Shadow Associates Agency because I think I can help out the team a lot. I have worked for Slyfox Security before and in them times I’ve had a lot of injuries, including broken legs and arms. The years I have been working with Slyfox they have taught me a lot of combat skills just in case anything goes wrong where I am working. I am also applying for Shadow Associates Agency because I think I can give my life away to the Organisation. I can do that because I have heard rumors that they are an Organisation they love to help out others. I am also applying to join this Organisation because I think I can help the Organisation out when members need it. I would also love to join because in this Organisation I could get along with people and help out others who need it the most. I am applying for Shadow Associates Agency because I think I have the correct ability for the clan. 

Do you have any previous experience with this line of work?: I have plenty of experience with this line of work. For example I have done security for 10 years with Slyfox, which made me have some confidence in myself and I know now the basics of the line of work other Organisations do. For the first 5 years working with Slyfox Security I was learning the basics of Security and I was helping the Leader recruit new people. 

Have you been in any other clans?: Yes I have been in Slyfox Security Corporation. I have been in Slyfox for about 10 years and decided to leave to move on in life and hopefully get a promotion in a new Organisation.  

Do you have any references that we may contact?: Hostage, Bradley.

How active are you in game and on the forums?: I am active in game a lot more than the forums. I will go onto the forums if there is something that’s needs reading.

Why do you think you deserve to join the Shadow Associates Agency?: I think I deserve to join the Shadow Associates Agency because I can offer the Organisation my combat skills I have been taught in Slyfox. Also I can offer my ability to help out others and if they are in need of stuff I can help them out. I think I deserve to join because I am responsible and I will never be rude to anyone in the S.A.A or in any of the Organisations S.A.A are allied to. I will also help out allied Organisations if they call and they are in urgent help. I think I deserve to join Shadow Associates Agency because I listen and takes notes what the highers ups in the Organisation do. 

Is there anything else that we should know about you?: Not really no. Just that I love to help out others.
[Image: aKhJd69E_o.gif]

====Out of Character Information====

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Karakuts (Formerly James3000117)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50416447

Hours on the server: 1580

How many RP points do you have? 5

How many bans/blacklists do you have? 3 bans, 3 blacklists. Regrettably one blacklist was fairly recent and I regret the action I decided to take, and I hope this will not adversely affect my application too much as the others were a number of years ago. 

What timezone are you located in? BST (GMT+1)

====In Character Information====

Full Name (IC): Thomas Pearce

Nick and/or Code Name(s): None known

Current age (IC): 31

Background: Thomas’ life has been rough from the start. Born on a council estate in Leeds, he became involved with a local gang at the age of 13 and found himself in constant trouble with the Police. After dropping out of school at 16 with no qualifications, Thomas applied to join the Royal Marines and to his shock was accepted onto a training course – perhaps the first achievement of his life beyond shanking that guy’s nan outside the shops. 

While in the marines, he quickly picked up the fine arts of discipline and order. Thomas proved himself as a top-quality soldier, twice gaining citations for valour on the field while deployed. He received a commission and began the officer’s life. But was this what he wanted? Did he want a life doomed to end as some balding armchair general more interested in charts and graphs than reality, sending men to their deaths in the desert from the comfort of his air-conditioned office? No. Thomas wanted to be there with his men, boots on the ground, fighting the good fight. He wasn’t in the right place for that – things had to change.

After finishing his current tour, Thomas left the marines and restarted his life in private security. He now spent his time playing cop outside the city hall, a far cry from where he once was. But it was a necessary step, a transition into the civilian world, the civilian mentality, the civilian way of life. It was time for something more serious.

Anything we should know about you?: I’m a seasoned shooter with a special interest in EOD. I follow my orders to the letter. What else can I say? I’ve got quite a past, especially through my teenage years, and it’s my one single regret in life. I hope I am not judged on those years, but rather on my proven track record as a top soldier, eager for more work on the field.

Current Street Address (IC): 34 Lake Drive, Evocity

====Application Information====

Why are you applying for the Shadow Associates Agency?: Soldiers trust each other. They trust each other with their belongings, their well-being, and their lives. You get this in most half-decent organisations. However, in a truly excellent organisation I believe it is always necessary to have the full trust of your commanding officer, and in return have them trust you fully, too. It’s essential for the people on top to know the men on the “bottom,” as people, so they can properly tailor operational roles to those who would best suit them. This is what I see in the SAA. The SAA also seems to be one of the most tight-knit organisations I've seen. I’ve heard it described by some as a “community within a community” and I think that definitely rings true when you see the agents in action. Everyone is familiar and everyone is family. 

Do you have any previous experience with this line of work? As was mentioned in my background, I deployed twice in the Royal Marines, once as enlisted personnel and once as an officer. This shows you that I have a great deal experience with both sides – the boots on the ground and the leadership. I understand how and why the leadership make decisions, and therefore am able to better accept the difficult ones. My more recent work as a security guard has eased me back into civilian life and has allowed me to become familiar with the domestic side of operations.

Have you been in any other clans? I was previously a member of Weyland-Yutani, Blackwatch*, and Multi-National United

Do you have any references that we may contact?:
[FL:RP] Nighthawkd (SAA)
[FL:RP] Assassinhero (SAA)
[FL] Burnett

How active are you in game and on the forums? I’m very active in game, and moderately active on the forums. I plan on improving my forum activity in the near future.

Why do you think you deserve to join the Shadow Associates Agency? I feel that I deserve to join the Shadow Associates Agency because of my strong military background which demonstrates my capabilities as an agent. I have the skills and loyalty necessary to work with the sensitive material agents are privy to. As I have stated before, the SAA seems like a natural final step in my career.

Is there anything else that we should know about you? *I hope my clan history, especially my time at Blackwatch won’t disqualify me from joining the SAA. I feel that I’ve made some poor decisions in the past but am hoping to start over here.

Thank you for considering my application.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke
OOC: Everything in italics is third person context, to provide a little more immersion.

It was a stormy day in Evocity. The Receptionist inside the lobby of the SAA Head Office suddenly notices the sound of a car engine approach the main gates and watches as the security team on site investigate the vehicle. She sees two men inside the delivery truck - a driver, and the courier. As the security team had finished their checks on the truck, the courier exited the vehicle and got searched. When the search was complete, the courier made his approach towards the lobby. She could see that the courier was carrying one single letter inside of the courier's jacket - it clearly must of been important that this had been delivered safely.

As the courier entered the lobby, he smiled intently towards the Receptionist. The Receptionist smiles back and asked how the man was, although the courier didn't respond. Instead, he slid the letter across the desk towards her followed by a PDA which he expected to be signed. The Receptionist took the PDA first and signed it, handing back the PDA after doing so. The courier then proceeded to exit the lobby rather quickly, as if he was in a rush. He got back into the delivery truck, and the security gates opened so that they could drive off.

The Receptionist looked briefly at the front of the letter. It seemed to be made from higher quality paper than usual envelopes are made from. It was addressed to Mr John Marston, with attention to Recruitment. It also beared a "Classified" seal in the top right corner of the envelope. Whatever this envelope was holding, it was clearly extremely important.

[Image: 632f0194c0.jpg]
The Receptionist swiftly got up from her seat and proceeded to make a fast approach towards Mr Marston's office. After swiping her keycard on the digital lock on his office door, she placed it upon a large stack of envelopes that were also there for the same reason. She then proceeded to leave the office, ensuring the door was locked behind her and took back her seat at the front desk within the lobby of the SAA Head Office.

A couple of days have passed...

Mr Marston takes a seat on his leather chair, seated in front of the desk with the envelopes regarding SAA recruitment matters. He exhales deeply, knowing that at some point, he'll need to work his way through all of these envelopes. He takes the first letter from the top of the stack, opens it with a letter opener, and begins to read. Inside, he reads the following:

====Out of Character Information====

Steam Name: Nightmare

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52497975

Hours on the server: 538 (correct as of time of writing)

How many RP points do you have? 1

How many bans/blacklists do you have? I have 3 bans, 1 for RDM, another for raiding the Nexus for no reason plus breaking NLR and then propminging and FailRP. I can assure you though, these bans were all made when I was below 250 hours. I have since learnt from my actions and improved positively. I have 1 OOC blacklist also from when I decided to make a metaland joke.

What timezone are you located in? GMT

[Image: Shortline2_zps95e8dc7a.jpg]
====In Character Information====

Full Name (IC): Sam ‘Nightmare’ Winters

Nick and/or Code Name(s): Nightmare

Current age (IC): 26

Background: Sam Winters was originally known as Sam Inverno, but came away from his father’s name slowly, after realizing that his death was actually a sabotage from unknown forces. His father was known to work in high-profile military backgrounds, until one day, he was carrying classified, top secret information across to **REDACTED**. It would of all went fine, but the people who sabotaged Sam’s father altered the flight path, so instead of flying through with no trouble, he was instead under heavy fire from ground forces. Moments later, he tried to contact his command base, but partway through his sentence, the sound of an FIM-92 stinger being launched and then complete radio silence.

Since that has happened, Sam has became closer to what family he has left, which at this time only consists of his brother. He has personally been recruited into the FBI’s White Collar Crime division, aiding other agents in breaching computer systems. Apart from that, he also signed up to become a Navy SEAL which he did for about 4 years. Due to his heavy experience within the Navy SEAL’s, he also knows his way around a firearm.

Sam is quite tactical by nature, he always wants to try and plot his next moves whenever possible. Since he’s quite tactical, after knowing his father was missing (he wasn’t told about his father’s death for a couple of months) he tried to use all the information he had to plot where his father has, or had, been.  Sam managed to find where his father had died, but before he could leave, representatives from the agency where he worked came to inform him about his father’s death. Sam was extremely upset.

Anything we should know about you?:

Under extreme situations sometimes my judgement does get clouded by my emotions, but that hasn’t happened for a good while.

Current Street Address (IC): 16 Villa Close

[Image: Shortline2_zps95e8dc7a.jpg]
====Application Information====

Why are you applying for the Shadow Associates Agency?:

I’m applying for the Shadow Associates Agency because I want to be part of a team. I have a reasonable amount of experience in security and protection work. I also believe that my traits could come in handy to the other agents I work alongside but mainly, I’d like to make a difference. Someone high up in SAA suggested that my skills were quite impressive, and recommended that I made an application, so I slept on it and I’ve decided that I would love to be a part of clan like SAA.

Do you have any previous experience with this line of work?:

I do. Below you can find my past experiences that are relevant:
  • Estleback Corporation - Agent First Class
  • Alterix - Strategic Director
  • …plus the several times I’ve protected individuals, there’s too many occurrences of this to note.
Have you been in any other clans?:

I have. As stated, I’ve been in the Estleback Corporation and Alterix. Besides from that, I was in a clan called the USSR but I wouldn’t consider them as anything, as it seemed dead.

Do you have any references that we may contact?:

Yes, my professional references are:

and my social references are:

How active are you in game and on the forums?:

In game I usually play with TricKy whenever he’s on, and usually that’s quite often so I’d say I’m pretty active in game. On the forums, I check over a couple of times a day to make sure that I’m keeping up to date with recent happenings.

Why do you think you deserve to join the Shadow Associates Agency?:

I think I deserve to join the Shadow Associates Agency because I believe my experience within Estleback speaks for itself here. Estleback is now known as an extremely reputable clan - and should be even more reputable to you, as your an old ally to them. I also think I deserve to join because Grub approached me suggested that I should make an application to join the SAA, where my skills would be more useful. He also complimented my roleplay abilities and personality.

Is there anything else that we should know about you?:

Nothing apart from thank you, for taking the time to read through my application. I wish you all the best, regardless of whether this application gets accepted.

[Image: 3fef5530fb.png]

Sam Winters.
The following 3 users Like Nightmare's post:
  • Falcon, Hitman, Ivan Tempski

The Shadow Associates Agency, a place of refuge, a place where many come to claim a spot in its slice of heaven. An Agent who once was an Agent before he left the City in pursuit of other goals, had reapplied. He was a man of his word, a man of honor. He had missed the days of living within the closed doors of the Agency. Where he once bathed in all of its glory and the glowing happiness that exists inside. Agent Baker was no ordinary man. He was a man who proved himself to be one of the best. Not once, but twice. He had served out his time fighting on the front lines as shells dropped around him, but he was no coward. Much like the other Agents who had served along side of him. Together they marched on through standing by the ideals and morals of the Agency. Not once did such a man not aide a small child poverty striken or an older man who could no longer carry himself. I welcome to you an archaic relic of the past ready to fight Again. I bring you

Agent Griim! 

The Agency after acquiring their newest Agents such as AssassinHero and Griim, quickly moved onto a deadly task. The Agency was faced with more criminal groups invading the very City they had cleaned. Did they want to move onto their hospital or their other areas of advancements of Society, yes, but they could not ignore the cries of humanity. They could not ignore the brutal attacks on old men who only had a dime to their name, yet muggers took that too. The Agency could not sit idle watching the Citizens bleed. They could not watch poverty rule the City that once bore wealthy investors and an industrial revolution. They made a stand. Under command of John Marston, the Agency quickly seeked out newly elected President. 

Marston speaking with the newly elected President.

Marston speaking to his Agents. 

The President broadcasting the permission of the Agency to aide the decaying City.

Camera's picking up Agency movement. Units currently securing criminal who had caused great havoc upon quiet civilians only trying to live a happy fulfilled life.

Units moving to secure an overrun objective. A criminal organization had struck at men only enforcing the law. Let those officers rest in peace. God have mercy on the ones who struck on innocent men.

Agents preparing to move to secure their objectives.

After the previous President had served his term, the Agency quickly brought up a meeting with the President who took his place. President Winters who was an extremely honorable man, believed in the Agency's goals. He was a man of his word and pushed forward aiding the city that was so close crumbling.

Marston finishing up a meeting with President Winters.

Marston moving out with his Two Agents who had secured the door.

Convoy setting out to accomplish their objectives set by their Head Agents.

Agents regrouping within the Nexus awaiting further orders.

The Agency had not given up its goal. It was going to save the world from utter destruction. Save the civilian population from turmoil. The Agency believed and still to this day believes in protecting those who matter most, the innocent people of the world. Those who have no protection, the underdog. The Agency will never forget the days of fighting nor the days it fought to save innocent men. Thank you to the people who make the world a better place such as the President's who teamed up with the SAA to aide the City. Thank those new and old who serve the Agency. As a Leader I never forget those who fought for me. Those who stood by the Agency in the darkest times. I thank the applicants, who are willing to dedicate themselves to a greater cause. I especially thank once again the Agents who make my home, our home, a better place. A place of refuge. A place where one can go to rest without fear. A place where everyone is close and basically called family. Thank you.

[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub
The following 10 users Like Grub's post:
  • Nacreas, NightHawkd, General Rickets, Benporium, Nexus, WorldWideCoffee, ousmN, Hartree, Altoria, Soviethooves

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***Opens template labeled S.A.A. Application***



====Out of Character Information====

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Hitman

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42327352

Hours on the server: 1875

How many RP points do you have? 17

How many bans/blacklists do you have? Bans: 5 | Blacklists: 4

What timezone are you located in? Eastern United States

====In Character Information====

Full Name (IC): Jonathan Paul Ive

Nick and/or Code Name(s): Jony

Current age (IC): 48

Background: I was born in London, United Kingdom to a wealthy family and had a childhood full of nothing but privilege. At the young age of 17 I was looking to attend a University in the United States of America, the University of California, Berkeley. I was sent over to California by my parents to attend an interview at Berkeley. There was no interview. It was just my parents looking to finally get rid of me. The dumped me off in the United States with nothing but the bags I packed which didn't contain much because even though they spent the money on a first class seat for me, they were too cheap to pay for extra baggage. I pouted for a few hours, and the it set in... I was alone, by myself, thousands of miles from home and no way back. I decided I had to make the best of it. I had hopped around from job to job, city to city before eventually landing in EvoCIty where I decided enough is enough. It was time to stop getting kicked in the ass by the world wherever I went and do something productive for once... then it hit me. I would then proceed to found Park Weaponry and establish it as the destination for all of your firearm and ammunition needs. I grew Park Weaponry to be a successful corporation with branches all over the United States and very few outside of the country and still managed to come right behind Apple Inc. on the NASDAQ with a market cap of $720.71B. After establishing my corporation I became unhappy. I wanted to do something else, something that would have meaning; something that is not pursued for monetary gain. Then I heard about the Shadow Associates Agency.

Anything we should know about you?: I tend to notice things others do not at times.

Current Street Address (IC): 941 Waterfront Road EvoCity, v33x

====Application Information====

Why are you applying for the Shadow Associates Agency?: I have always admired the work of the SAA and have always dreamed of one day becoming a member of the team. I want to experience what it is like to be on a well coordinated team of highly intelligent individuals that have the best interest of the people in mind. Fighting for what is just and fair is my destiny.

Do you have any previous experience with this line of work?: I do not have experience in espionage, however I have plenty of experience being at the helm of Evo City's government and I know how to run a business.

Have you been in any other clans?: I have been in Multi National United, Empire Security Firm, Brostleback Corp. and the Weyland-Yutani Corporation.

Do you have any references that we may contact?:

[FL:RP] Nighthawkd
[FL:RP] DanManC
[FL:RP] Zambie

How active are you in game and on the forums?: (1-10) Game: 9 Forum: 7.9

Why do you think you deserve to join the Shadow Associates Agency?: I am a motivated, dedicated individual that will not stop until the job is completed and completed the correct way. You're not happy? Then I am not done.

Is there anything else that we should know about you?: I can be a bit hot headed at times.

Would you like to submit your application? Y/N

***Presses the Y key***



Thank you for your interest in the Shadow Associates Agency!

***File closes and returns to the home page***
The following 5 users Like Hitman's post:
  • Nightmare, Coded Brain, Innovative, Mr Doc, Reebs

S.A.A. News

Today agents we were assigned the prestigious duty of upholding peace in the city we so dearly love. S.A.A. operatives were dispatched to the Nexus building, headquarters of the government. From there agents protected the life of the president with the assistance of two volunteers who stepped up and assisted us in our duties. The agents that responded took to protecting the city, hunting down any and all threats to the peaceful place of we know as Evo City.

Volunteer on his way up to the top floor ready to stand by us in case of danger. 

Two volunteers getting to know each other.

Marston and the president discussing ways to protect the city

Unfortunately Marston was injured in the line of duty today. Agents responded to his G.P.S locator that was activated. This device is to only be used if you're in need of backup or serious assistance. Operatives moved out and found Marston on the ground surrounded by bushes. It appears Marston was shot in the leg but he made a quick recovery at the local hospital so he returned to duty later that day.

(Grub's actual leg^^^^^^)

Agents worked effectively to ensure that law and order was upheld and once again, protected the lives of many.

[Image: H9hqjyZ.png]
====Out of Character Information====

Steam Name:
[FL:RP] Reebs

Steam ID:

Hours on the server:

How many RP points do you have?

How many bans/blacklists do you have?
Bans: 1 before the wipe, as of now, 0
Blacklists: 11, one recent. All of the others are issues I have since rectified, and the most recent being an unintentional Rule Infraction, which is an Isolated Incident and will not happen again. 

What timezone are you located in?
Eastern Standard Time (EST)

====In Character Information====

Full Name (IC):
Jack Michael Mondays

Nick and/or Code Name(s):

Current age (IC):

Born in 1986, Jack Mondays was born a healthy child. When he was 2 years old his parents died and he was forced to live with his grandfather, a millionaire because of his company: Brostleback Corp, founded 3 months before his birth. The company was a sucess until about some 10 years later when Jack was 12. The company moved to Evo city and based in the old United Materials compound. When Jack was 18 and applied for the military, the corleones raided the compound. Only Jack and one untrained security gaurd survived the raid when they stormed the barracks. Jacks Grandfather, unaware of the threat to his life decided to take a walk, but was driven right back inside when he saw the fedoras. He began looking around the compound for Jack, but he was nowhere to be found. His grandfather panicked when he couldn't find Jack and he took a lethal dose of Cyanide to end his suffering. When the corleones left, Jack was immidiatly shipped out to Afghanistan to assist the US army. When he returned as a general 8 years later, he saw that the corleone threat was worse than ever before. Immidiately he found his friend and went to the compound to retrieve his grandfathers documents. He also called the Marines and told them of the threat and they sent over 4 of their best men. When the soldiers arrived with their commanding officer, who later became the company's co owner, they were ready for anything. The CO was a 5strGeneral by the name of Sarah Rock, who frequently changed her identity. One day, Jack and the marines attacked the threat at its source. 6 corleones captured, the rest dead. The 6 men were positivly identified as the men who raided the compound. The 6 men were put on trial for treason and crimes against Evo and were sentenced to life in a federal penitentary. With that done, Jack had a contractor make a nice office complex for the men. About 3 years later, the company's employees went on strike, causing the company to collapse. Jack had always drove past the SAA Buildings and billboards on his way to work, using County Highway 46 as a frequent shortcut. Today, Jack works in the city's Police Academy, training new cadets to police the neighborhood, and keep the growing gangs in check. After much consideration, Jack decided to mail in his job application. Would the SAA accept him, or just laugh in his face if he were to show it? Jack now awaits a reply from the SAA Recruitment Team.

Anything we should know about you?:
I like to try and talk things out before using force.

Current Street Address (IC):
125 Waterfront Road

====Application Information====
Why are you applying for the Shadow Associates Agency?:
I think it would be a great experience for me, and I feel that joining could help me help other people. I also feel that the Shadow Associates Agency can make a difference for the better.

Do you have any previous experience with this line of work?:
Yes, I have much experience in this line of work, being in Blackwatch Corporation and Men in White.

Have you been in any other clans?:
Yes, in fact. Three. I was the Director of Brostleback Corporation, I was an Agent with Blackwatch Corporation and I spent a brief time with Men in White as an Agent before its closing.

Do you have any references that we may contact?:
Blake Nightly (Nighthawkd)
Harry Bow (Sauce)
Antonio Marino (AsssassinHero)
William Waite (Zambie)

How active are you in game and on the forums?:
Very active in both, however I may not be able to be on some nights.
In-Game: 9/10
Forums: 9/10

Why do you think you deserve to join the Shadow Associates Agency?:
I think it would be a great experience, as I said before, and it would be good to be part of a clan that I feel can really make a difference.

Is there anything else that we should know about you?:
As I train Police Officers, a critical part of their training is Negociation, so I feel that I can use my skills to attempt to talk people out of doing things such as taking someone's life, taking hostages, etc, before resorting to force to get the person(s) subdued.

[Image: zeVtdhR.png]

====Out of Character Information====

Steam Name:  

Steam ID:

Hours on the server:

How many RP points do you have?

How many bans/blacklists do you have?
Two blacklists, Blacklist ID # 13430 and 47325.

What timezone are you located in?
PST (GMT -8)

====In Character Information====

Full Name (IC):
James Roberts

Nick and/or Code Name(s):

Current age (IC):


I awoke to a cool summer morning in the outskirts of San Francisco, California. This had been the day I had been dreading for a long while - eviction day. Quickly I got up and packed the last of my things, being careful not to leave any of my few possessions behind. While I was packing the last of my things, I came across a flyer I had been given just two months prior by a friend who was a travel agent. On it, was the picture of a beautiful city, with the words EvoCity - The City of Possibilities printed in large text at the top of the page. It was right then and there that I knew I wanted to go to EvoCity and start a new life. I neatly folded the flyer and placed it into my pocket, grabbed the few things I had with me, and left.

For a while I was homeless, living on the streets and working a low-paying job to scrape together the money to rent an apartment in EvoCity. Tirelessly I worked, pushing aside the thoughts of the hardship I was enduring with the dream of a better life in EvoCity. After some time, what seemed like an impossible dream began to feel like a feasible reality.

 When I finally had enough money saved up, I withdrew it all from the bank, grabbed my backpack full of possessions, and bought a one way bus ticket to EvoCity. I boarded the bus, and was on way. As the day's light faded away into the black of night, I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I could see the large buildings and skyscrapers of EvoCity in the distance. I could hardly contain my excitement for what was to come.

When the doors opened, I stepped off of the bus, and took a look around. I dug into my pockets, and took out the neatly folded flyer I had looked at just one year previous. I looked at the flyer, remembering all of the good things I had dreamed EvoCity to be. It was even better than I had expected. After taking it all in, I took my first step into my new life as a citizen of EvoCity, with only the clothes on my back, the $10,000 I had saved, and the dream of a better life.

Anything we should know about you?:
Sometimes in the heat of a stressful situation, I can make rash decisions. I am working on keeping a level head as much as I can.

Current Street Address (IC):
47 Back Street

====Application Information====

Why are you applying for the Shadow Associates Agency?:
I want to be part of something bigger than myself, to help to improve myself and those I am working with. I have seen the S.A.A. in action when I volunteered to help when they needed help, and I like the way they work. I believe I can contribute and make a positive contribution to the S.A.A. and what it stands for.
Do you have any previous experience with this line of work?:
In my previous clan, "Men in White", many times we did security work, similar to what the S.A.A. does sometimes. This may not be the same exact thing, but I believe it gives me a base of experience in the area. Also, I volunteered a few times to assist the S.A.A., such as at the S.A.A. Hospital where I volunteered as a nurse.

Have you been in any other clans?:
I was one of the founding members of "Men In White", though the clan fell into dismay and was closed.

Do you have any references that we may contact?:
[FL:RP] Ousmn
[FL:RP] NightHawkd
[FL:M] Theomenz
[FL:RP] AssassinHero

How active are you in game and on the forums?:
In game, around a 7.5/10.
On the forums, I usually check in for news and such, but do not post very often, so a 3/10.

Why do you think you deserve to join the Shadow Associates Agency?:
I feel as if I can make a positive impact on the Agency if I were to join. I put a lot of effort into my work and am willing to devote myself completely to the Agency if need be.

Is there anything else that we should know about you?:
I love building things. Though may not be very knowledgeable in some areas, I am willing to learn what I need to in order to help the Agency.
====Out of Character Information====

Steam Name:
=BR= rice901

Steam ID:

Hours on the server:
137 hours, 11 minutes.

How many RP points do you have?
2 RP points.

How many bans/blacklists do you have?
2 bans, one blacklist.

What timezone are you located in?
UTC/GMT -8 hours.

====In Character Information====

Full Name (IC):
John Fortino

Nick and/or Code Name(s):
No known aliases

Current age (IC):
35 years old.

Worked as an undercover police officer in the Castelli crime family for fifteen years, after being caught with a wire microphone John was beaten badly and left for dead on the outskirts of a city he did not know or recognize. A man in a black Ford Raptor drove up to John and called 911, while in the ambulance to the hospital John learned that he was in Evo City and that the man in the black Ford Raptor was an ex-cop like himself.
After fully recovering John made his way to the Nexus and asked the secretary about job opportunities, first he became a cop and one thing led to another. He fought alongside his blue brothers and sisters during many uprisings, dispersed several riots, and even saw the end of a corrupt and brutal president.
During all those events he realized that he wanted to help the people of Evo City any way he could, so he became the President. During his term he met a man that worked for the SAA that offered to work alongside a dying government. Police employment was at an all time low, there were no paramedics and the only firefighter had had his license revoked.
During John's short time working alongside the SAA he realized that these were the type of people who would do anything to protect the city and its people. John knew in his heart that that was what he wanted to do.

Anything we should know about you?:
Worked as an undercover cop for several years until I was found out by the son of Robert Castelli. Before joining law enforcement I was enlisted in the Navy as a corpsman.

Current Street Address (IC):
Back Street, Apartment block A, unit A, Room 3B.

====Application Information====

Why are you applying for the Shadow Associates Agency?:
I would like to do more for Evo City than I can as being a police officer, I want to get a more intense roleplay experience with others rather than flying solo in a radio car as a cop. Joining something bigger than myself also plays a part in it; I greatly admire the professionalism and the discipline of the SAA and would like to add to the SAA's large task force.

Do you have any previous experience with this line of work?:
I worked as Presidential security, small business security and as a police officer.

Have you been in any other clans?:
Badass Rednecks

Do you have any references that we may contact?:
a Disabled Deer
[FL:RP] Turtlewithamustache

How active are you in game and on the forums?:
Planning on becoming much more active in the game and the forums, although family comes first and that sometimes will keep me away from the computer. Camping and school will also interfere sometimes.

Why do you think you deserve to join the Shadow Associates Agency?:
I have done nothing spectacular to deserve to join the SAA, I believe that I will prove myself during training and the tests in order to deserve a spot in the SAA. The things that I have done on the server are; roleplay to the best of my abilities, try to stay out of trouble, and to separate myself from those that would encourage me to get into trouble.

Is there anything else that we should know about you?:
I am trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
I am an eagle scout.

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