Unban request of WhiteTipp
Your name: WhiteTipp

Your ban ID: 51925

Banned by: [FL:M] GeorgeTheBoy
Reason: Random Raiding,FailRP

Involved: I don't know since I didn't do anything at the second I got banned
Why we should unban you: I just talked to a guy about something that happened and then I got banned by GeorgeTheBoy with the reason FailRP,Random Raiding. There is no Ban request going on and I could not have been randomly raiding anyone since my weapon Access is blacklisted. And if GeorgeTheBoy thinks I randomly raided the guy who I talked to then he didn't hear the complete conversation. We tried to sort out a fight we had yesterday and I told the guy who I talked to that I attacked him and his friend since they tranquilized me and threw a molotov at me (I didn't break NLR since the molotov doesn't kill you when you are tranquilized) and they kept going on trying to tranquilize me. Then I killed them therefore after confronting them and asking why they did that after they pulled another Tranquilizer out. They came back several times (3 or 4 times),broke nlr that way and didn't let me be. And I don't know why I got banned for this now since I didn't randomly raid anyone and today I couldn't have done anything since my weapon access is blacklisted.

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