The Time Has Come...
Goodbye and good luck with your training.
Watch out for trenchfoot!

Good luck with the training, you were a nice guy wanting to do RP and that was appreciated. Hoping to see you back one time

Goodbye atrades
Good luck, mate. Hope to see you again sometime in the future :)
[Image: template.png]
Quote:StillAlive (72)
Positive (+1): Here! Have a point for being almost as awesome as me!
Good luck man, hope to see you soon in the future !
Sad to see you go, I wish you all the luck in your training!
Good luck, Atrades Jenkins.
I hope it goes well and make sure you make more YouTube videos with you shaving and talking about first world problems.
Kind Regards,
Goodbye Atrades. Sad
[Image: KyhzLMb.png]
Credits to Rain.

See ya mate, good luck with everything!
*Salutes* Good luck soldier!

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