Ban Request on AJGaming
Name of player: AJGaming.

SteamID: Unknown.

Time in GMT: Around 05:00, GMT+001. (Was a while ago)

Server: V2P.

Summary: Basically, we saw this guys physgun going through the Corleone houses' wall. We were all gathering to attend to a raid. Therefore, we wanted everyone around. I believe four were present at the scene. So, we entered his building and had a look around. Unfortunately, we saw that he was double dooring, and Corleone members are representing me. I took the screenshots from several angles for you to see, we demoted him after.

[Image: MbKaP7E.png]
There seems to be gaps between the world-door and the propdoor which makes it okay.
I'm not too sure if they've done it on one of the screenshots but the evidence isn't good enough for me to punish for.
Giving them the benefit of doubt.

Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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