UnBan Request
Your name: duffy1515

Your ban ID: 43540

Banned by: [FL] Killjoy

Reason: public build, not doing the job of a fireman, chair abuse

Involved: apocalyptic grenade

Why we should unban you: Ok I needed some money so I was selling my fire truck i spawned a for sale thingy and I put a chair down to sit on so i could wait to see if anyone was going to buy it the only way to spawn a firetruck is to be a fire man i put my job description to selling my firetruck. I dont think this is at all fair for me to get banned none the less 15 days for that! I think that's crazy. I don't think I should get punished for this. Even ask Apocalyptic Grenade he was there. The admin never warned me or talked to me just randomly banned me.
Firstly my involvement. I was the person whom witnessed this and contacted KillJoy regarding the matter.

You're a fireman you can't sell government property like that, and nor can you harass people in the road to buy your truck. You were building in public, failing to rp your job, and chair abusing. You spawned the chair in the air on top of the firetruck, which is also failrp and chair abuse.

as seen here.

I can sell wht i want i was not abusing the chair i was sitting on it asking wht anyone like to buy my firetruck and thats not harassing can u get the facts right thats not harassing i asked people if they wanna buy it. i changed the description so people would know. thanks for getting me banned for 15 days for the dumbest reason ever.
Hey this is apocalyptic grenade and yeah i saw what happened i was talking to duffy and then i gave him money because we are friends so he bought a car and when he walked off he just got banned. He wasnt abusing the chair nor did he not do his job the only way to spawn a fire truck is to be a fire man and he wanted to sell it so he put his description to selling his car, i dont think this is a fair reason to get banned. And plus some kid said he was harassing people to buy his cars and he wasnt harassing anyone he was asking them kindly to buy his car.

apocalyptic grenade
Closed and denied.

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