1. Not seeing any "Blunt rulebreak" in this report? Is this what the court has to say? Did they managed to read the whole story? Or is it because he and his witness ("friend") have rp points and I don't? Think the situation would be different if it wasn't me standing there.

2.They had enough time to make printscreens /demo of this situation, why didn't they do that in the first place?

3.Even rp criminals have to watch their language and follow the rp rules.
And I doubt an officer likes to being shot by an criminal.
Never heard of an criminal who got not hunted down for killing an policeman, in real life.

4.Please tell us who's got the higher ground on this judgement? (XD srry had to make that one, because of the .gif, like it btw)

Thank you.
(01-24-2016, 04:58 PM)Dazzle Novak Wrote: 1. Not seeing any "Blunt rulebreak" in this report? Is this what the court has to say? Did they managed to read the whole story? Or is it because he and his witness ("friend") have rp points and I don't? Think the situation would be different if it wasn't me standing there.

The players' stats have nothing to do with the judgement on a report. 
What made me say that there is not any blunt rulebreak is because:

RDM: He was given a reason to kill you, after he was tazed. I'm not saying it was roleplayed flawlessly by him, but it is not completely RDM either.
FearRP: He was not under gunpoint like I thought he was before. He ran around a corner and came back shortly to have his revenge on you.

2.They had enough time to make printscreens /demo of this situation, why didn't they do that in the first place?

That I do not know. If he killed you because he thought you were breaking the rules, that leads us to Backseat Administration.

3.Even rp criminals have to watch their language and follow the rp rules.
And I doubt an officer likes to being shot by an criminal.
Never heard of an criminal who got not hunted down for killing an policeman, in real life.

Like I said, it was not RP'ed flawlessly, but it was not completely RDM either.

Thank you.
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
We didn't printscreen or record the situation because there was no rule break - why would either myself or Huskii printscreen a situation which we knew was well within the rules?

Yes, as Infernaw said, it could have been roleplayed much better, but at the end of the day, you tazed a criminal and got killed for doing that - it was not RDM.

Remember, tazing someone is still assault - you shoot barbed wires into the persons skin and electricity flows through those wires - so being killed for tazing a criminal is justified in my opinion
[Image: 8UtzdI4.png]
I don't know, example: why am I not taking a printscreen that I am steppin on a concious body, and afterwards say: "I did't break the rules, i did it by accident. "

That criminal underwent anger issues at the moment before tasing, I asked him something friendly, but instead were talking to a person who doesn't know how to communicate properly.

If i had a 'fiend' who would cover up my back in this rp, the things would have gone differently. Are you Huskii's agency? Really need to see your business card then.

And it seems like, to me, that you clearly have a lack of view on the real-life world. It never is justified to kill anyone. even when you have to use some tools to maintain the safety.
I bet you can explain to me how a person moves after being tazered? please share some of your experience with me.

By seeing the comment of infernaw, according to his statement, the request isn't a RDM?
(01-26-2016, 12:47 PM)Dazzle Novak Wrote: And it seems like, to me, that you clearly have a lack of view on the real-life world. It never is justified to kill anyone. even when you have to use some tools to maintain the safety.
I bet you can explain to me how a person moves after being tazered? please share some of your experience with me.

This is a semi-serious server buddy, the sooner you realise that the more you can enjoy playing on it.

In this server, tazing someone is considered enough reason for a criminal to be pissed off; just like that criminal would be pissed off in real life - especially if you just let him walk off without handcuffing him or getting a warrant.
[Image: 8UtzdI4.png]
As stated in previous posts, the accused player may have been able to have roleplayed the situation better, but no rules were violated.

[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]

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