Hello there!
First off all: Hi, my name is Niek. I'am new here.
(/me Shakes hand off <your name here>.)

I started to to play GMOD a week ago (since it was for €2,50), a friend of mine told me to just do it, so I did. First off all I was disappointed since it just seemed like a ''idiotic game''. Later I talked with my friend again so I asked him: ''So is there any multiplayer here?'' He said: Just roam around on the 'interwebz' and find one! So I did...
I played 30+ servers just to check them, then I (finally) found Fearless!

After I found this server I played, soon after that I noticed that I already had 24 hours...
So yes I'am hooked to Fearless! I know that people that saw me ingame might think I'am just a random player doing nothing but RDM, I'am not like that. I say that I might made some mistakes in the start, but I'll try to not make any more!
I'f met some greet people in those 24 hours, made friends, had fun.

(Well I could write like more pages more but I'll make it short from here!)

So I'am new to fearless, got hooked and now I want to less my addiction by roaming around the forum! Well I'll stop here: Hope to see you guys In-Game, Niek!
(Sorry for the horrible English here, I'am from the Netherlands!)[/size][/font]
Hello Niek! Welcome to Fearless Smile
Hello Niek and welcome to the Fearless Community!
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
Hello Niek. Welcome to the world of Fearless.

Before you start roleplaying, there's a few things you might want to read. If you're not familiar with roleplaying, or you just need some more knowledge about how it's done, I suggest you read the official Guide to Roleplaying, you should also make sure that you have read the rules.

I suggest you pay a visit to the Help & Support section to find more basic information about such things as binds and prices.
Remember to become an active member of the community, you can make a lot of friends and have loads of fun here at Fearless.

I hope you're going to enjoy your time here, as we're certainly going to enjoy having you here.
Hello Niek, welcome to the Fearless community!
If you have any question, feel free to hit me up with a PM.
See you in-game. Smile
Hello and welcome to the Fearless community Niek, I hope you'll enjoy your time here. Wink

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