Unblacklist Request
Your name: [FL:RP] BouncingBall

Your blacklist ID: Weapons: 56928 & Police: 56927

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:85300712

Reason: killing unarmed, shooting truck because had car on back, shooting at sru

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] Temar

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: Well, Because I did not get to say my side of the story. (Kill Unarmed) that is wrong, before that SWAT even came he had a baseball bat hitting me with his other friends and they all started shooting at me so I hid and came back round the corner and started shooting at him a aswell with the people with the guns in fact all of them in the dominoes store had guns on them. The SWAT Only arrived as he died he did not know what went on at all.

Secondly. (Shooting a truck because had a car on the back) Again, that is wrong. A police car was reported stolen and that was the one on the back of it. So I had no car on me because my police car was stolen aswell. So because the reported stolen police car was on the back of a truck I started shooting at its tires to stop it because there was no way of chasing it because like I said I had no police car too. 

Thirdly, (Shooting at SRU) Again that is wrong, He started saying stuff about me so I walked over and pointed a gun at him then shot once not 100 bullets shot once in the air next to the SRU. I did not shoot at the SWAT at all. I am really disappointed I did not get to have my say before I got blacklisted.

Thank you.
1 - should only use lethal force if nessesary
As in he is trying to kill you right then. Also a tazer works fine
2 - not a reason to use lethal force
3 - yes I didn't see him getting hit. However you should of fired your gun at all in real life you would be facing criminal charges for that
Yeah but still he had a weapon out on me too & Started shooting along with the rest of them so I am not going to taze him when it takes about 5 seconds for your tazer to charge up when I will be dead by then and when I have like 5 of them shooting at me to because for each taze you have to reload. I would have been flatted by then. I don't want to cause a big issue over this request too.

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