[FL:RP] WilliamFarmery10 - Unban Request
Your name: [FL:RP] WilliamFarmery10
Your ban ID: 62550
Banned by: [FL] Dig
Reason: FailRP, FearRP, 2nd Ban for this reason
Involved: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Why we should unban you: Okay, so, I was banned for moving whilst at gunpoint; and also trying to get killed. I will give you (In my eyes) a valid reason.
So; It started for my friend getting tased. As he was tased, I punched the officer, he looked at me, with out a firearm / taser out, so for that I ran. (Please keep in mind at this point I was without no suit on)
He couldn't find me, so I put my suit on. Almost 2 minutes after I put my suit on he saw my OOC name and immediately detained me.
This is where the video came in. In my eyes, I was getting meta gamed. And for this I was trying to get myself killed. ( I had no reason to be handcuffed, as I was META GAMED. )
I spoke to dig via team speak, and what I was doing was also 'Back seating Admin' in which this time, I had no clue what that was, and had no clue how I was doing it. In my view I was just standing up for my reasons to be uncuffed)

Also; I could understand not running away via the firearms, however - they were holding tazers, in real life you see people running away from tazers, as you don't get killed from them.

Hopefully that concludes it, I don't mind if I wont be unbanned, as I will carry on setting up my DarkRP server, however it would be nice to keep on.
Its all your choice; lads. Thank you for reading,
William Farmery
[FL:RP] WilliamFarmery10
Kind Regards,

Signature is too big. - Haarek
As I stated when I spoke to you in person, the ban reasons were entirely valid.
Even if they too were in the wrong, the proper response on your part would not
be to break the rules aswell.
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator

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