Not full story
Your name: Legendary Fox

Your ban ID: 3082

Why we should unban you:

Tkweiher and Tankinnwow first had a grudge against me because they attempted to raid nexus while I was president and wasnt there so they failed. They are very good friends and had two ban requests on me, Tankinnwow had insufficient evidence to ban me. I went SS to do some COPRP as I really like it and as im changing into my suit Tkweiher goes SS too and follows me for around 5-10m on purpose as to harrass me. he followed me around just trying to aggrivate me and even the president was telling him to stop and get to nexus, it wasnt until the tunnel scene when I got a request that there was criminals in the bill's cars shop and I was doing a solo-mission that I fired a warning shot and he just kept following me on purpose for me to adventually get pissed to an extent of me take him out and use that in a request against me as his friend was going to fail.

Everything they had posted was just showing what they wanted you to see in their prospective.

He went SS just for an excuse to follow me inorder to harrass me leading me to getting angry and killing him

In the rules it also states you cant lockpick a car without good reason, they done it as Unemployed and their jobs were "Car Jackers".

This link shows that he had followed me from Nexus for about 5m-10m on my patrol as I was attempting to run from him and as you can see in the link his stamina is at 34 and now we were heading towards the pool in the countryside part the map.
[Image: source.gif]
You broke the rules and got your ban for it.

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