Unban Request
Your name: daviddevvil2

Your ban ID: 56412

Banned by: [FL:M] Pinkie

Reason: FearRP, insulting staff members, 11th ban

Involved: Pinkie and Me

Reason for unban: Well I know what I have done, the FearRP and 11th ban, but I do not understand the insulting staff member part? I never insulted a staff member in the time, nor did I say anything back offensive, I think the insulting staff member is taken out of context because I never insulting a staff member on my part, if you have evidence please post and let me reply. Okay thank you, also the FearRP and 11th can stay just asking why or how I insulted a staff member?
You said something along the lines of this.

"F*ck you Raptor" plus some more things in that sentence.
Venom, raptor was never involved in this, Pinkie was, someone just told me in steam chat that I insulted Pinkie somehow, I don't know how I insulted Pinkie but okay.
Was Pinky then, my mistake.
But still I never said "*** you Pinkie" or whatever, I would not insult a member of the staff in such extensive language, nor do I find any evidence I said anything?
"23:00 - [FL:RP] daviddevvil2: Tell Pinky, go f*ck yourself"
When did I say that? After I got banned I just got off steam, I never said "Go fuck yourself"
I was on the server at the time this happened.

Someone, if I remember right, pm'd Pinkie saying what you had said in a steam message to the said player.
Well I logged off steam at the time I got banned, and then got back on shortly after to play some PAYDAY 2, from what I recall I never steam messaged anyone at the time.
Appeal reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Suspension for accused player will stand as issued.
Please note, as said in the courthouse rules, if you know you broke the rules, you may be post an unban request. Player admitted to breaking FearRP.

[FL] Sir Crow
Server Administrative Team

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