Unban Request/Shorten
Your name: KPredeyes

Your ban ID: 31857

Banned by: [FL] Fultzy

Reason: Random Tranq BR approved

Involved: Generation, Kitteh Cat

Why we should unban you: First of all I do not believe it was a random tranq as in the clip he had came back before this and punched me multiple times and I warned him that if he did it again I would kill him and obviously the cop had his reasons to taze me but I had my Tranq loaded so I ran away then tranqed him. Iagree that I shouldnt of killed the officer but I dont believe that I shouldnt for PingPing as he came back after breaking NLR, punched me multiple times then he ran off again so I killed him. Also I don't believe it is fair how I got banned for a week when PingPing was CDMing all night and breaking NLR. I also think that 1 week is a bit harsh as this is only my 3rd ban.
[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck
You were banned because you tranqed these people then killed them.

It was also a week due to the fact you were a gun dealer.


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