Unban Request Don Pilon
Your name: Don Pilon

Your ban ID: 44121

Banned by: [FL] Freezak

Reason: Prop Blocking

Involved: no one was

Why we should unban you: So he got banned by prop block but the thing is he didnt block anything because on other side of building theres 3 doors that goes to is place , he just took half of the building and made new walls and bought the side doors.

This pictures is taken from the ban request on him and if u dont know where was its the white barns in front of big hells in v33x.

[Image: 2014_02_07_00009.jpg]

[Image: 2014_02_07_00010.jpg]

[Image: 2014_02_07_00011.jpg]
I was the guy doing the ban request located here; http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=42273

When I arrived to the building I parked my car outside, went in and saw no keypad. There was a wall outside as well, but I didn't see any keypad (inside or outside), hence the ban request. It's possible that there might have been a keypad, but then it must have been hidden as I did not see any keypad.

I do not have any evidence of the outside, unfortunately. Here's a photo of it (see the numbers going in turn), showing that I do not got it.

[Image: Screenshot_2014_02_08_17_18_45.png]
Kind Regards,
No problem mate i just asked unban because normally i used that building with him and he always put keypad in both sides , also he dont need to put keypad on that wall since theres 3 doors in left side of building . Smile
Make sure to check the whole building before hurrying up with a BR next time.


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