[UPCOMING] Phoenix Shopping Mall
Thank you for the application, although please may you put a slight bit more effort into it?

Basically, just go into more detail. Where'd you gain experience as a cleaner, etc.


We will be reviewing the applications as soon as possible.

Thanks for the applications.
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Hungames

Hours on the server
RP Points: 0

Ban History I have 7
In-Character Information

Name: Marvel Jackman

Address: Apartment #76, 61 Nylon Street,Evocity

Date of Birth: 8/10/88

Mobile Number: 973 556 6785

Telephone Number: 973 546 7783

Do you have any experience in the role of a cleaner? I do have experience as a cleaner in bars and nexus windows.

How are you the ideal candidate for this job? I am the ideal candidate because I clean things up in great speeds. Also, I am great in a team.

What can you bring as a Cleaner, which others can't? I can bring great service and great cleaning supplies.
stupid signature keeps breaking
(05-31-2013, 03:20 PM)SamuelFTW Wrote: Out of Character Information

Steam Name: SamuelFTW

Hours on the server: 612

RP Points: 8

Ban History: 1

Building Experience: (1-10) 6

Activity on Fearless: (1-10) 8

Have you ever built on a large scale?: Partially

Show us some of your previous work:

[spoiler=Garage Building] [Image: DD58AA63C322A41EEF7E92B81C0FDA5814E080B6] [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Ice Cream Store]
[Image: 47C432D9D0D098573B083CA5E9A35D118D82A9E5]
[Image: 9A7EF48A6D0A855740BEC7FC238C8A49E965AD6B]
[Image: 544ED18055F5361B8E9A7D60191CBDE6313CA362]
In-Character Information

Name: George 'Samuel' Roberts

Address: 16 Evergreen Avenue, Benswick Village, EvoCity

Date of Birth: 30/1/90

Mobile Number: 0751-GEORGER

Telephone Number: 0161-365-0874

Driving License: Founder and Owner of EvoCity Driving Centre. Full Driving License + Teaching Permit

Do you have any experience in the role of as a store owner?: Founder & Owner of EvoCity Ice Cream Store

How are you the ideal candidate for this job?: Previous knowledge of the business, already existing company, large profits made, furniture and decoration already created.

What can you bring as a store owner, which others can't?: Experience and lots of it. I own two businesses, both of which are very successful and have proven to be a success.

Do you have any other experience selling goods?: Stated above. Large business which sells Iced Products and large amount of experience in the industry.

What products will your store specialize in?: Iced Goods (Ice Creams, Ice Lollies) & Cooked Food (Chinese, Fish, Burgers, Sausages, General BBQ Foods)


You are accepted as a shop owner. When the main building we will give you a space for you shop.
This is just a heads up to everyone that has being accepted or has applied to be a mall valet.

You will take a parking test accessed by my self, you will just need to take my keys and park my car, pretty simple right?

Good to hear, I'll inform you when the parking test will happen, thank you.
I still need some more Construction Builders, before I start building the main mall. Also we need for the build server to get online.
In relation to Weecows post, we also require shop owners, which is our main priory due to the fact without them, there will be no mall!

I'd appreciate it if we got some applications! Thanks!

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