Banned by Theomenz
Your name: T04st3dxmuff1n

Your ban ID: 27475

Banned by: [FL:M] Theomenz

Reason: Fail rp

Involved: me and someone else

Why we should unban you: There was a car auction and i bid when i didnt have the money. Theo banned me for not having enough money. I don't think i should be banned because i didnt scam or do anything against the rules. Plus it is not fail rp many people go to auctions to raise the price.
yeah that's true me and my dad go to auctions IRL to raise prices when I have nothing else to do.
You placed the bid and ended up winning the auction, but when the time came for you to pay, you did not have enough money. By doing so you cheated the owner of the car and the others out of it. When in real life, you could just take a loan out and pay off your debts but not on the server, not in a game. With you trying to raise the price and it backfiring on you when you don't even have enough money for the car caused you to failRP (or failed to go on with the roleplay situation).
sorry but if you won the auction you must pay so I must agree with theomenz
Denied this is in fact FailRP due to the fact you did not have the money that you won the car with. Why would you be bidding over your amount of money anyway? That doesnt even make sense.

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