unban request ..wasnt same as the guy told u
name:Om3gaDaddy {GR}

ban id:14672

banned by :termin



okay see what rly happened....i was at nexus then 4 people come(3 was with suits) i told them plz get out of the nexus...they waled to elevator ..and i told them get away now or i will taze and shoot..then they pressed the buttong to go up...they had no meeting with the pressident because i pmed him ,,then i tazed him but one put a rifle out and starting shoot at me ..he let nme with 10 life and i was panic and starting shooting and the tazed buddied and the man with the rifle
The evidence I was shown:
[Image: 2012-09-15_00001.jpg]
[Image: 2012-09-15_00004.jpg]
[Image: 2012-09-15_00005.jpg]

Who was the person with the rifle?
i dont know his name but he was at the corner of elevator...he was the last guy i killed

he wasnt the guy who took the picture...
Your ban has been re added after an accidental deletion.

The problem I have is that you killed 2 people, Fillehh and frankplex. Both were tazed (screenshot 1).
Logs show no other person getting killed which makes it look like you are lying.
I was the one who provided the picures.

This unban is a LIE!

You tazed us all, and then you killed all of us.
Nothing more nothing less. It was not panic, I have a picture where it had gone around 6 secounds and then you started shooting.
Your ban has ended.

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