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Ban Request on the crow - Printable Version

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Ban Request on the crow - FEaRIeZz - 01-26-2015

Name of player:
the crow
either STEAM_0:0:56038790 or STEAM_0:1:33296102

Time in GMT:
approx 00:00-00:10 gmt +1 (might go somewhere around 11:40-00:10)
I told the president that his laws were basicly wrong, he proceeded to call me a dumbass. I'm fine with that if he left it there, but then he proceeded to pick on me in OOC for no apparent reason and baiting out raids through the chat, which he has been doing several times over chat. The last sentence got me, so here i am writing this BR.

screenshots are in order i believe, couldn't go further back into the chatlogs, look at my responses, i behaved decent in the chat:

1: https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t31.0-8/10945856_10152681122882029_1904462781971570777_o.jpg
2: https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/t31.0-8/10835030_10152681122902029_1847970660471485153_o.jpg
3: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/10955688_10152681122862029_244614407674265281_o.jpg
4: https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/10911384_10152681122847029_528150273368108373_o.jpg

RE: Ban Request on the crow - Falcon - 01-26-2015

As I was directly involved with this, I will state my opinion.

I think this should deserve a blacklist, not a ban. I think this because it simply is too inconsiderate to deserve one. Although, I can back up that what FEaRIeZz is true, with the President calling him a dumbass, which is against the rules.

RE: Ban Request on the crow - FEaRIeZz - 01-26-2015

added evidence: he proceeded to bait it out again and got demoted by rolo for it. He also banned several different languages in his laws.

proof of the continues bait after being told to stop, can be found at around 0:15-0:25 in the logs.

RE: Ban Request on the crow - TheCrow - 01-26-2015

The laws were removed upon being conceived as inappropriate by [FL:M] Rolorox. I was then demoted for the baiting of raids. As for calling FEaRIeZz a dumbass, it was meritted. He was trying to get a reaction from me by saying "Haha, this president and his laws" Screenshot 2. Which can easily be translated to "Haha, The Crow and his laws" after all its the same thing. Everyone knows gun dealers should be able to sell guns and ammo, he should also respect the right I had as president to enforce a law against having guns, i.e. being legal to sell them but not to carry them around.

My punishment has been served for two out of the three thing he has said.
1) Laws were removed by Rolorox after being conceived as inappropriate.
2) Demoted for encouraging raids.

The third was calling FEaRieZz a dumbass. You wanted a reaction and you got my reaction. I also just wanted to remind you that you said this :


To which my response was "If what you said was an insult to me then yes". Meaning I was offended by what you said but only meant the insult if you were serious about the way you provoked me.

As you can also see in this screenshot player BoxAbout even sees the lighter side of this. Where as Falcon and FEaRIeZz just insta report for something so small such as this.

[FL:M] Rolorox even said my law on that was fine.. :

Other Evidence:
http://gyazo.com/484f58cbf7a20affc747c60fd0279bd7 - The demotion.
http://gyazo.com/3199b5c7e5ec64c6484acc623fd56d9f - Support in the chat.

RE: Ban Request on the crow - Falcon - 01-27-2015

Don't even start with the "Insta Report". You broke an OOC rule and FEaRIeZz reported you for it. I'm just backing up what happened, as I was involved. Also, this report is not on FEaRIeZz or me, it's on you.

Not to mention, you were persistant enough to argue about it in OOC for around eight minutes.

RE: Ban Request on the crow - TheCrow - 01-27-2015

(01-27-2015, 12:10 AM)Falcon Wrote: Don't even start with the "Insta Report". You broke an OOC rule and FEaRIeZz reported you for it. I'm just backing up what happened, as I was involved. Also, this report is not on FEaRIeZz or me, it's on you.

Not to mention, you were persistant enough to argue about it in OOC for around eight minutes.

Regardless you left out evidence such as a mod dealing with the situation , removing the laws which you did not approve of and also the baiting of the raids. You just wanted me blacklisted...

No, no , no, no, no. Falcon and FeaRIeZz. I cannot just let you get me blacklisted that easy. I am pulling in more information so that the admins can see that you have left out crucial information.

Also do you see me reporting players on a weekly basis? No. Do i see in the logs FeaRIeZz reporting players and getting denied a good few times. Yes.

A "dumbass" is hardly a massive insult.

Grow up please, the pair of you.

RE: Ban Request on the crow - Falcon - 01-27-2015

What do you mean, leaving out crucial evidence? I haven't even posted anything regarding evidence. Anywho, you insulted someone in OOC, which is against the rules. I'm just backing up what FEaRIeZz has said.

RE: Ban Request on the crow - FEaRIeZz - 01-27-2015

I said "is that an insult?" Due to the fact that you indeed called me a dumbass, which i didn't really care about, it was only after you proceeded to behave like a child that i found it appropriate to load this BR up. I rarely make Ban Requests, so consider yourself one of the lucky ones.

I posted the reaction on your laws because you were spamming the goddamn chat every now and then, about how good of a dictator/baitRPer you are. (screenshot 1). Alot of the players in the server don't like people going insta dictator at 20 minutes and ban the wearing of t shirts and silly stuff like that, yes you did that, such good dictator RP there, really thought out. Me being provocative about some of your laws was nothing compared to your rants in ooc and I never insulted you one bit.

Rolo is a good guy and let you slide there, as other admins would probably wouldn't be so reluctant, as you continued after rolo told you to stop.
You referring to my admin calls adds no relevancy to this case, stay on topic or stay out. I try to keep this server as clean as it can be, that includes stopping people from going on an egotrip in ooc like you did, it is you who should grow up. If everyone on this server acted like you, we could potentially name the server team deathmatchRP.

The mod saw fit not to punish you, however I do not share his view on the matter. You deserve to get a couple hours of ooc blacklist for this behaviour. People have been banned for less.

Load up your evidence, I already referred the admins of the log times, everything is in there.

We are done here.

RE: Ban Request on the crow - Nyander - 01-27-2015

Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player was found violating rules regarding calling someone a "dumbass" in the OOC Chat.
Suspension will be applied for a one hour long blacklist from the OOC chat.

Please note,
the moderator Rolorax has already punished the player for baiting people and having inappropriate laws.

[FL] Raptor
Server Administrative Team