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Need help with RP Reasons - Printable Version

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Need help with RP Reasons - Rolvak - 09-04-2013

This has bothered me for a while now, simply because I can't figure it out what's conciderated a valid reason. I would like to ask what would be valid reasons to do the following events:
Murdering the president

I've taught of some, but I think they are not valid reasons. I try to think of real life cenarios and think to why they do that in real life and try to come up with something:

i.e HostageRP, when there's a heist or a raid, perhaps hostages can get involved, so that they don't run away and call the cops and or help. What about kidnapping? Making someone important, or not, a hostage and demand some money to release him and or her?

i.e Carjacking, in real life, one probably carjacks because he is either going to getaway from something or is going to re-sell the car for some monney.

i.e Raiding, normally it's a payback act if someone messes with you and your group and maybe that's a valid reason, but what if they don't? I can't just randmly walk in and raid.

i.e Heist, I simply can't think of a reason other than: "I need quick and easy monney."

i.e Murdering the president, if you a rebel and you don't like the state of the goverment and how is it being handle, can't you rebelliate and murder the president so that the govermant can change? Just like republicans rebeliating against Anarchists.

i.e Mugging, in real life, one commits mugging, because he is either poor, needs quick monney, or needs monney for drugs, or has mental condicions.

I would really want to know if you also aprove or disaprove of some reasons I stated above, I really want to try those kind of RP's, but I want to also follow the rules so that I don't get in trouble and get a full experience on a decent RP.


RE: Need help with RP Reasons - Killjoy - 09-04-2013

You're probably not gonna get many staff members listing out text-book type valid raid reasons, simply because people will then start forcing situations into giving them a reason to raid, thus launching aggressive RP all over the place - which we do not want.

RE: Need help with RP Reasons - Rolvak - 09-04-2013

(09-04-2013, 09:59 AM)Killjoy Wrote: You're probably not gonna get many staff members listing out text-book type valid raid reasons, simply because people will then start forcing situations into giving them a reason to raid, thus launching aggressive RP all over the place - which we do not want.

I see, never really taught of it that way, sorry to bother in any way and or form.

RE: Need help with RP Reasons - Rahiro - 09-04-2013

I guess aslong you roleplay everything properly you should be fine

your charackter develops himself in a reasonable way into a criminal or someone who needs criminal activity in order to survive ( play it out properly I guess - let your char develop over an hour or two)

If it is no long time event then I think you should roleplay the scenario . for example a heist. If I am right it is fine to rp a heist if you have proper rp scenario set up and it is not only you wandering into a bank and getting some money. (not sure if that is right though)

- You have to think of what would make you use firearms in real life. What would make you hurt someone using a gun - stay serious and dont simply say "for the lulz"
for myself I think the only reason when I would use weapons is in a time of oppression.

Note this is not confirmed and need'nt to be right it is just an example and my theory - acting at one's own risk

RE: Need help with RP Reasons - LIENOSUS - 09-04-2013

All of these is exampel i might be wrong.

Hostage rp : If someone goes on your propety and are not leaving after you asked several times and tryed to do it peachfully.
Carjack:rp: If someone steal your car, kills your friends.
Raidingrp: If someone steals your car.
Muging: If you are in the poor part of the in a allyway city you can mug for a realistic amounth like 50$

RE: Need help with RP Reasons - Killjoy - 09-05-2013

DaCrowh, well put. If you go about your RP and encounter a reason to go raiding, you'll know it when you see it.